15.   Flotar ( 2023 )

Flotar is a sculptural set of glasses, commissioned by Il.lacions Gallery as part of the exhibition “Una Habitación Propia”, a proposal in which the work of 10 influential female artists throughout the history of modern arquitechture is interpreted in present day. I was honored with the proposal of making homage to Lina Bo Bardi through a drinking glass.

2023: Il.lacions Gallery, Barcelona, ES

“Lina talks about integrating transformation. She explores the way in which the human being is in constant change, and therefore, their needs and behaviors also change. Based on this idea, she comments, an artwork must always be left unfinished for this very reason. I like this idea. Being open to adapting to change, and integrating time and its rhythm within space.

In a context of climate emergency, in which my city, Montevideo, has been declared the first capital to run out of drinking water, behavior changes. There is a water rationing caused by the drought, we pray for rain and the gifts we bring from our travels are bottles of water. Water is worth more than gold, water is life. I think about how our needs and behaviors will change in the future, and how our relationship to water will change, leading to redefining the ergonomics of the tools we use daily, and in this specific case, the glass, as an object that sustains life. A luxury object and ice its specialty.
Lina Bo Bardi's work emphasizes routes, repetition, unevenness, and always alludes to floating. There is a feeling that defys the laws of gravity.

Ice marks a rhythm, and stretches time. My homage to the work of Lina Bo Bardi was thought of as a high-end cocktail experience, and is part of a collection of modular glasses, allowing the piece to become a sculptural object while not in use. It seeks to incorporate the concepts that define Lina's work, thus creating an unfinished piece that integrates the times, a future speculation in a present object.

The glass in its future version can hold the ice, allowing its melting and dripping to become protagonist. Transforming the taste of the drink as time goes by. It is an object that forces you to stop in the present to experiment.

In the present time, the glass is multi-functional.

Series 0001 - In the present time, the glass is multi-functional. Serving on one side an expresso coffee glass, and on the other, water to accompany.  Comes with straw and ice-mould.  Ideal for shot / expreso serving.

Series 0002 - Larger serving size, reversable. Comes with straw and ice-mould. Ideal for coctails / expreso serving.

Series 0003 - Larger serving size, non reversable.  Ideal for coctails / coffee serving.