18.  What has the landscape witnessed?

The following concept is the background I have been elaborating throughout the Humboldt Residency Programme 2023:  Our Precious Resources, Pathways to a Secure and Sustainable Future,  in cooperation with the Climate Change Center Berlin-Brandenburg and the Cultural Foundation Schloss Wiepersdorf.

Read here.

2023: Humboldt Residency Programme, Berlin, GE

2023: Humedal Wetlab, Barcelona ES

The commodity culture embraced by the global north, which others aspire to emulate, is underpinned by unsustainable resource extraction, primarily from distant locations in the global South. Our consumer patterns and the the convenient availability of these goods conceal the underlying environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and inherent inequities, impacts that are far removed from producers and consumers, rendering these impacts out of immediate view—our residency project endeavors to illuminate these impacts through information, science communication, and art.
This is an investigation iniciated within the Humboldt Residency Programme 2023: Our Precious Resources, Berlin.

Followed by a further investigation within the Humedal Wetlab Residency Programme, at Hangar, Barcelona.

 FILE 23764—39/23DBE

Magdalena Hart, 1994
Akyute Collective, 2019
Rain_and_rivers_, 2023


Based in Barcelona, ES